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[Factcheck : Not True] South Korean leaflets is a root cause of North's COVID-19 Pandemic


We made a factcheck on Kim Yo Jong's(Dictator Kim Jong-Un's sister) blame on South Korea Leaflets for North Korea's COVID-19 outbreak. 

“Now that many countries in the world are taking more effective anti-epidemic measures, realizing once again the danger of the spread of the malignant pandemic disease through contact with the objects infected with the malicious virus, it is a matter of grave concern that the disgusting ones in south Korea stage a farce of scattering leaflets, bank notes, awful booklets and things over our territory,”

- Statement by Kim Yo Jong during National Meeting of Reviewing Emergency Anti-epidemic Work(8, August) -

North Korea has officially blamed the root cause of the coronavirus to the South Korean leaflets on 10 August, during the National Meeting of Reviewing Emergency Anti-epidemic Work. Ministry of Unification, South Korea immediately expressed its regret over N.Korea’s ‘groundless claim’ over COVID-19, threats.
[ KIM Yo Jong's Speech on 10 August (KCNA) ]

“We express strong regrets over North Korea repeatedly making groundless claims over the route of the COVID-19 and making very disrespectful and threatening remarks,” the ministry said in a statement.

- Statement by Ministry of Unification, South Korea 11 August -

According to North Korea's National Emergency Quarantine Command, an official investigation found two people who became infected with Covid early on in the outbreak after coming into contact with unidentified materials near the South Korean border.

An 18-year-old soldier and five-year-old child tested positive for the virus in early April after finding the objects on a hill in Ipho-ri.

As a result of the investigation, people in the country are instructed to "vigilantly deal with alien things coming by wind and other climate phenomena and balloons in the areas along the demarcation line and borders."

[ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) ]

However, the international community and experts are negative about North Korea's claims. Experts say that the chance of infection through leaflets is close to zero.

According to CDC(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the probability of surface infection of the corona to be 1 in 10,000. This probability is even lower under external conditions of sunlight and wind.

Findings of these studies suggest that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection via the fomite transmission route is low, and generally less than 1 in 10,000, which means that each contact with a contaminated surface has less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an infection

[ The Day of the Sun in Pyongyang on 15 April (KCNA) ]

To better understand the main cause of massive spread of Corona in North Korea, we need to consider the political events held in April.

In April, North Korea held a large-scale events(no-mask), including the Day of the Sun. Experts say the reckless large-scale events amplified the massive spread of Corona. According to 'Daily NK', corona virus was already spread on April in Sinuiju, which borders China. Sinuiju is a major trade city with China. It is most likely that the outbreak of corona virus was in the course of trade or smuggling with China. In order to protect the supreme leader's dignity, North Korea can't acknowledge its failure in preventive measures.

[ Records of North Korea's nuclear test ]

Though, North Korea's claims are not recognized by the international community.

International Community will have to closely monitor whether North Korea makes military provocations, including its 7th nuclear test, under the pretext of retaliating for the corona outbreak.




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